Let's take this example -
class myClassBase
int baseMember;
class myClassDerived : virtual public myClassBase
int derivedMember;
int virtual derivedFunction() { return 0; }
myClassDerived *o = new myClassDerived;
o->baseMember = 75;
The equivalent C code: -
struct myClassBase
int baseMember;
struct myClassDerived
void *vtable;
int derivedMember;
struct myClassBase base;
int myClassDerived_derivedFunction()
return 0;
char *typeName;
myClassBase_typeInfo =
char *typeName;
void *baseTypeInfo;
myClassDerived_typeInfo =
int myClassBase_offset;
void *typeInfo;
int (*fun1)(struct myClassDerived *);
myClassDerived_vtable =
void myClassDerived_ctor(struct myClassDerived *this)
this->vtable = (void*)&myClassDerived_vtable + sizeof(int) + sizeof(void*);
struct myClassDerived *o = operator_new(sizeof(struct myClassDerived));
int offset = *(int*)(o->vtable - (sizeof(int) + sizeof(void*)));
struct myClassBase *base = (void*)o + offset;
base->baseMember = 75;
Here is a diagram describing the concept:

Points to understand:
- Unlike the non-virtual case, the object of the derived class does not start with the base class object.
- The base class object offset in the derived class object may be anywhere inside the object.
- The offset of the base class object is obtained by a process similar to virtual function resolution.
- The base class object offset is obtained from the vtable. The vtable of the derived class object contains the offset of the virtual base class object.
- If there are multiple virtual base classes, the vtable will contain the offset of each base class object in sequence.
- If the base class contains virtual functions, then the base class object (which is contained in the derived class object) will have a pointer to vtable. And the constructor of derived class will override that vtable pointer.
Question: What is the problem with this code?
myClassDerived *d = new myClassDerived;
void *ptr = d;
myClassBase *b = (myClassbase*)ptr;